How a Sustainable Approach to Offices Can Sustain Profits

When companies start looking for “greener pastures” of profits, they don’t necessarily look outside. These days, some of the most successful organizations start by looking inward, at their own office space. They are, in part, simply giving investors what they want. As the latest State of Green Business Report notes, “Companies are increasingly responding to […]

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Building Success through Facility Managers and Property Managers

What would you call a sales opportunity worth hundreds of billions of dollars annually? We call it the office sector. Getting your share of this enormous market depends on understanding two key roles, those of facility managers and property managers. Their titles may sound alike, but their responsibilities and needs can be quite different. What’s […]

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From Green Backs to Green Bonds: Sustainability is a Rising Star of Corporate Financing

The old adage “money talks” has a new currency in business. That’s because consumers – some 87% of them – are increasingly saying that corporate sustainability impacts their attitudes and behaviors. As a result, businesses are investing heavily in sustainable initiatives, even turning to a new category of financial instruments to finance them: Corporate Sustainability […]

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How to Make Wellness Programs Work Better in the Workplace

Businesses are investing heavily in sustainability, as it regards environmental and social concerns — but what about the sustainability of an organization’s most important asset, its people? Yes, there is the workplace wellness movement, often thought of as a human resources concern. However, if the movement is truly going to move the needle in terms […]

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The Dirt on Starting a Composting Program at your Facility

Starting a composting program at your facility can save money, decrease your environmental footprint, improve employee job satisfaction and fulfill customer demands for sustainable business practices. The EPA states that almost 95 percent of the food we throw away ends up in landfills or combustion facilities. According to, each year, 52.4 million tons of […]

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Do Better Bathrooms Boost Productivity?

Most of the office design trends that get attention are, well … trendy. Open offices. “Desktopian” visions of height-variable workstations, treadmill desks, or no desks at all. Dedicated collaboration spaces and structures. And supposedly more natural approaches like “biophilic” design. Many, if not most, of these office trends of late tilt toward attracting and retaining […]

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The ROI of Having an Effective Hand Hygiene Program at Work

We’ve all seen the signs in restaurants: “Employees must wash their hands before returning to work.” But what about other environments — especially offices and other workplaces, where most of us spend more of our waking hours than anywhere else? After all, offices, from desktops to doorknobs, are rife with the germs that make employees […]

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How to Keep Tenants Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

This month we celebrated Global Handwashing Day on October 15th, a day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of the importance of handwashing. It gives us the chance to reinforce the fact that proper handwashing is one of the single-most important methods to prevent the spread of germs and avoid getting sick. While regular and […]

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