the future of grocery shopping

How to enhance hygiene in grocery stores

While COVID-19 has accelerated the growth of online grocery shopping, more than 60% of Americans still shop for groceries in person.1 To remain competitive and attract their share of in-store shoppers, grocers must provide a hygienic and safe in-store experience. Changes inside grocery stores Technology holds great promise for making shopping convenient—and safer. For example, […]

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ugly produce

Ugly produce gets some love!

Forget farm-to-table. The latest, or at least the most disturbing, food trend is farm-to-landfill. One study estimates that America loses “up to 40% of its food from farm-to-landfill.” The cause? According to multiple research reports, it’s all about cosmetics. This image problem creates an avalanche of waste all along the American food chain. Up to […]

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