From K-12 through college, the latest food trends in education speak to much more than just serving food. To effectively satisfy students (and their parents), and meet the educational needs of diverse student populations, schools are discovering that they need to significantly “up their game.” Take this quick true-false quiz to see if you know […]
Keep readingThree reasons restaurant owners can’t sleep (and three cures)
Owners of quick service restaurants, fast casual chains, and casual dining concepts all have one thing in common: a more challenging business environment than ever. With more competition, fewer workers and continued competitive expansion, the situation is enough to keep any restauranteur awake at night. There are, however, a few basic steps that you can […]
Keep readingFour steps to better food safety (and better food processing profits)
Food recalls are up dramatically, with a four-fold increase in just the last few years. This situation not only threatens public health, it also undermines the financial health of affected corporations. The average food recall in the U.S. costs food processors $10 million in direct costs, while long-term financial impacts can be even greater, due […]
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