infection control and hygiene healthcare

A hands-on look at infection control in healthcare

It’s clear that infection control is a critical concern for healthcare facilities. What isn’t clear is why so few facilities take an adequate approach to what the Centers for Disease control has long promoted as the best means of preventing the spread of infection: hand hygiene. Research shows that 80% of infections are caused by […]

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hidden hospital germs

Pulling back the curtain on hidden hospital germs

Hospital curtains are supposed to safeguard a patient’s privacy; unfortunately, research shows they can also endanger patient health. Hidden in the folds of nearly nine out of ten hospital curtains you’ll find methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. The curtains tested started out uncontaminated; a control group of curtains never hung, but which were stored in […]

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Well, Well, Well: How Healthy Programs Add Healthy Hotel Profits

The hotel industry continues to be healthy, with one recent report forecasting increases in “occupancy, average daily room rate, revenue per available room, total operating revenue and gross operating profits from 2017 to 2018.” But growth is slowing after nearly a decade of continued building — a situation that usually precedes a downturn. Hoteliers, of […]

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Take the Test on Creating Healthier Schools for Healthier Enrollment

There is a great deal of buzz about how schools with a clear respect for the environment overall, and a demonstrated commitment to a healthier campus environment in particular, are better positioned to attract and retain students. Behind all the buzz are some surprising facts that can build or break your enrollment numbers. Take this […]

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Design a hospital to fight infection head on

Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are the cause of significant medical and economic expense on clinics, hospitals and facilities everywhere. HAIs are usually caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or other infectious agents that live in medical settings. Researcher Jack Gilbert spent 16 months studying microbes in a hospital environment. Gilbert, an environmental microbiologist at Argonne National Laboratory, […]

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