the future of grocery shopping

How to enhance hygiene in grocery stores

While COVID-19 has accelerated the growth of online grocery shopping, more than 60% of Americans still shop for groceries in person.1 To remain competitive and attract their share of in-store shoppers, grocers must provide a hygienic and safe in-store experience. Changes inside grocery stores Technology holds great promise for making shopping convenient—and safer. For example, […]

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restaurant science hand hygiene

The science behind hand hygiene in restaurants

Many customers are still afraid to come back to restaurants during COVID-19. 57% say they’re concerned they will touch surfaces someone else has touched.1 And they’re right, they will. But that worry can be minimized, especially if restaurants have a robust, science-based hand hygiene program and communicate it to patrons. This overview will give you the […]

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How to get fans back in your stadium

Preparation tips to welcome fans back in the stands

A study by the management consultancy Deloitte found that fans will only visit a stadium they feel is safe, comfortable and clean.1 And that was before COVID-19. Because of the pandemic, fan expectations for health and safety have only risen—requiring stadium management to take its hygiene game to the next level. Stadium events in the US, particularly […]

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Essity Power of Handwashing podcast

Podcast: Power of Handwashing

Positive messages about handwashing are working. Data shows that 68% of us have changed the way we wash our hands because of COVID-19.1  Learn about the importance and history of handwashing by listening to Essity’s podcast episode: Power of Hands. Handwashing: A moment in history This story is always relevant, but it’s also steeped in history. […]

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future theme parks covid hygiene

The future of theme parks is in your hands [hand hygiene]

What will it take to bring guests back to theme parks – and bring the parks back to life during and after COVID-19? As of August 2020, Disney World attendance was down 80% – eighty-percent – over 2019, according to a report from Deutsch Bank.1 Even after reopening in July, Disney soon cut back its hours due to the simple […]

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Top tips for navigating the new normal in manufacturing

How can manufacturers stay open and fully productive – while keeping employees safe at work – in the face of COVID-19? The challenge is unprecedented in modern industrial history as, for the first time, demand, supply, and workforce availability are all impacted simultaneously.1 Even with millions out of work due to the pandemic, that last factor, the […]

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